Sump pumps serve as a year-round safeguard for homeowners, but they take on added significance during the autumn and winter seasons, especially in regions prone to cold weather and snowfall. This means for us Ohioans, sump pump maintenance is prudent! To ensure your sump pump performs optimally in the coming colder months, follow this comprehensive fall checklist provided by your experts at Five Star Cincinnati Plumbing. 


1. Take the Sump Pit Cover Off: Start by opening the sump pump pit or basin and removing its cover. Inside, look for any debris, mud, or rocks and promptly clear them. Foreign objects can obstruct the sump pump, potentially leading to overflow issues. So, it’s important to be on the lookout for this. 

2. Examine the Drain Hose: Thoroughly inspect the drain hose, verifying that it is securely connected and free from obstructions or ice buildup, especially as winter approaches. A blocked or frozen drain hose can result in continuous pump operation due to inefficient water discharge. 

3. Clean the Inlet Screen: Ensure unimpeded water entry into the sump pump’s pit by cleaning the inlet screen. A blocked inlet screen can hinder water access, potentially causing basement flooding. 

4. Check the Float Mechanism: Confirm the proper operation of the float mechanism, which is responsible for activating the pump when excess water accumulates. Ensure that the float component can move freely without obstructions. A malfunctioning float can lead to operational failures or continuous running. When this happens, it can potentially cause damage to the pump over time. 

5. Inspect the Discharge Pipe: Monitor the discharge pipe’s location outside your home when the sump pump is operational. Verify that it directs water safely away from your house. An improperly positioned discharge pipe can lead to continuous and inefficient pump operation, which may shorten the pump’s lifespan. 

6. Maintain Proper Drainage: While avoiding proximity to your home and other structures, ensure that the discharge pipe remains within your property boundaries. Discharging excess water onto neighboring properties is inconsiderate. So, proper drainage within your property limits is essential to avoid inconvenience to your neighbors. 

7. Perform a Test Run: Try activating your sump pump by adding a bucket of water to the sump pit. Monitor its performance closely to confirm efficient water removal. If the pump fails to operate, you should try checking its power source connection and power cord. 

8. Prepare for Unforeseen Events: Consider having a backup battery or generator in place, particularly during heavy rainstorms coinciding with power outages. Having a contingency plan provides peace of mind, ensuring your pump continues to function even when the unexpected occurs. 

By diligently following this fall maintenance checklist, you can enhance the winter readiness of your sump pump system, protecting your home from potential water damage during the cold months. 

Should you encounter any issues with your sump pump or require professional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Five Star Cincinnati Plumbing today at (513) 204-9944 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! Our team is here to provide expert solutions to help safeguard your home and plumbing systems.